George Kahumoku Jr.’s Slack Key Show

George Kahumoku Jr.’s Slack Key Show

The Slack Key Show takes place every Wednesday night at 6:30 pm and currently features Uncle George Kahumoku Jr., Shem Kahawai’i and Wianani Kealoha. Napili Kai is pleased to host George Kahumoku Jr.’s Slack Key Music Show. During the months of November and December the show will be restructured featuring George Kahumoku, Jr., Shem Kahawai’i and Wianani Kealoha. The show is working to bring some healing to the community through music and dance. All first responders and fire victims will enjoy Free admission. The show is every Wednesday evening from 6:30 – 7:30pm in the Aloha Pavilion.Online tickets and schedule at or call toll free 888-669-3858 for tickets.